


In the scenario, one agent wants to travel along a corridor with constant speed, avoiding the single obtacle. The obstacle is visible during the whole runs, the agent start at full speed towards the corridor and may start changing trajectory after the first control update.

The initial lateral position of agent and obstacle are picked randomly with the constraint that passing is always possible, i.e. that there is a gap of at least the agent size enlarged by its safety margin.

%%writefile scenario.yaml
type: CorridorWithObstacle
length: 1.0
width: 1.0
min_radius: 0.2
max_radius: 0.2
    type: thymio
    number: 1
    radius: 0.08
    control_period: 0.05
    color: firebrick
      type: 2WDiff
      wheel_axis: 0.094
      max_speed: 0.12
      type: HL
      optimal_speed: 0.12
      horizon: 10
      tau: 0.25
      eta: 0.5
      safety_margin: 0.05
      barrier_angle: 1.0
      type: Bounded
      range: 1.0
      update_static_obstacles: true
Overwriting scenario.yaml
import warnings

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
import numpy as np
from navground import core, sim
import navground.learning.scenarios

with open('scenario.yaml') as f:
    scenario = sim.load_scenario(
from navground.sim.notebook import display_in_notebook

world = sim.World()

display_in_notebook(world, width=360)
from import display_video

display_video(world=world, time_step=0.1, duration=20.0, factor=5.0, display_width=360)

A typical run takes very little to compute

world = sim.World()
scenario.init_world(world), 0.1)
378 μs ± 2.26 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

The task is simple but not trivial, even for the rule-based behavior like HL. In fact, sometimes, the gap on one side is almost good for the agent to pass safely, but not quite: it is possible that the agent is too near and does not manage to change side in time. In our scenario, HL is setup to that it will try to pass anyway (barrier_angle \(<\pi/2\)) incurring in a violation of the safety margin. This event is relatively rare, and for the majority of runs, the agent passes safely.

Let us plot few trajectories when using HL

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from navground.sim.pyplot_helpers import plot_runs

exp = sim.Experiment(time_step=0.1, steps=300)
exp.scenario = scenario
exp.record_config.pose = True

plot_runs(runs=exp.runs.values(), columns=4, with_agent=True,
          world_kwargs={'in_box': True, 'no_ticks': True}, step=30,
          agent_kwargs={'dot_radius': 0, 'with_safety_margin': True})


We want to learn doing the same task using a sensor

%%writefile sensor.yaml
type: Combination
  - type: Boundary
    min_y: 0
    max_y: 1
    range: 1
  - type: Discs
    number: 1
    range: 1
    max_speed: 0.0
    max_radius: 0.0
    include_valid: false
Overwriting sensor.yaml

that perceives

  • the nearest point of the obstacle

  • the distance to the left and right walls

The agent input will be

  • the sensing reading (see above)

  • the own speed in body frame

  • the own angular speed

  • the own targer direction in body frame

and should output an acceleration command (linear and angular).

We measure the quality of the trajectoty by a reward that penalizes

  • safety margin violations (violating by at most 1 cm is excused)

  • not moving at full speed along the corridor

A trajectory cannot have more than 0 reward, which can happen only if the obstacle is not in the way.

import gymnasium as gym
from navground import sim
from navground.learning import ControlActionConfig, DefaultObservationConfig, io
from navground.learning.rewards import SocialReward
import navground.learning.scenarios

duration = 40.0
time_step = 0.1

action_config = ControlActionConfig(max_acceleration=1.0, max_angular_acceleration=10.0,

observation_config = DefaultObservationConfig(include_target_direction=True, include_velocity=True,
                                              include_angular_speed=True, flat=False)

reward = SocialReward(safety_margin=0.04)

with open('sensor.yaml') as f:
    sensor = sim.load_state_estimation(

with open('scenario.yaml') as f:
    scenario = sim.load_scenario(

env = gym.make('navground',

io.save_env(env, 'env.yaml')

Let us look at the rewards using HL

from navground.learning.evaluation import evaluate_with_experiment_and_env

rewards, _ = evaluate_with_experiment_and_env(env, n_eval_episodes=1000,

print(f"Rewards: min={np.min(rewards):.2f}, mean={np.mean(rewards):.2f}, "
      f"median={np.median(rewards):.2f}, max={np.max(rewards):.2f}")
Rewards: min=-71.02, mean=-5.36, median=-3.95, max=0.00

and the run with lowest rewards

seed = int(np.argmin(rewards))

print(f"Minimal rewards {rewards[seed]:.2f} for seed={seed}")
Minimal rewards -71.02 for seed=158
world = sim.World()
scenario.init_world(world, seed=seed)
display_video(world=world, time_step=0.1, duration=20.0, factor=5.0, display_width=360)

which is one of the cases we discussed at the beginning, where the agent is passing on the “wrong” side of the obstacle.

In about 20% of the runs, the agent just goes straight

p_straight = sum(np.asarray(rewards) == 0) / len(rewards)

and in all the other runs it has to actually avoid the obstacles, incurring in a penality

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2))
plt.hist(rewards, bins=20, density=True, color='firebrick');

Finally, we have a look at the input/output distributions

from navground.learning import GroupConfig
from navground.learning.probes import GymProbe
exp = sim.Experiment(time_step=0.1, steps=300)
exp.scenario = scenario
exp.record_config.pose = True
{'actions/0': <Dataset: shape (169, 2), dtype float32>,
 'observations/0/boundary_distance': <Dataset: shape (170, 2), dtype float32>,
 'observations/0/ego_angular_speed': <Dataset: shape (170, 1), dtype float32>,
 'observations/0/ego_target_direction': <Dataset: shape (170, 2), dtype float32>,
 'observations/0/ego_velocity': <Dataset: shape (170, 1), dtype float32>,
 'observations/0/position': <Dataset: shape (170, 1, 2), dtype float32>,
 'poses': <Dataset: shape (169, 1, 3), dtype float32>,
 'rewards/0': <Dataset: shape (169,), dtype float64>}
actions = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('actions/0')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
ego_target_direction = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('observations/0/ego_target_direction')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
position = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('observations/0/position')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
boundary_distance = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('observations/0/boundary_distance')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
ego_velocity = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('observations/0/ego_velocity')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
ego_angular_speed = np.concatenate([np.asarray(run.get_record('observations/0/ego_angular_speed')) for run in exp.runs.values()])
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.hexbin(*actions.T, bins='log');
plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)
plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5)
plt.xlabel('acc x [relative to max]')
plt.ylabel('acc y [relative to max]')
plt.title('actions distribution');
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3))
i1 = ax1.hexbin(*ego_target_direction.T, bins='log');
ax1.set_title('relative target direction distribution');

i2 = ax2.hexbin(*position.T, bins='log');
ax2.set_xlabel('x [m]')
ax2.set_ylabel('y [m]')
ax2.set_title('relative obstacle position distribution');

fig.colorbar(i1, ax=ax1)
fig.colorbar(i2, ax=ax2);
bottom, top = boundary_distance.T
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 2))
fig.suptitle('boundary distance distribution');

i = axs[0].hexbin(*boundary_distance.T, bins='log');
axs[0].set_xlabel('from bottom [m]')
axs[0].set_ylabel('from top [m]')
fig.colorbar(i, ax=axs[0])

axs[1].hist(bottom, bins=30, density=True, label="bottom", alpha=0.5);
axs[2].hist(top, bins=30, density=True, label="top", alpha=0.5, color='g');
axs[1].set_xlabel('bottom distance [m]')
axs[2].set_xlabel('top distance [m]')
_, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2), ncols=2)
ax1.hist(ego_velocity.flatten(), bins=30, density=True);
ax1.set_xlabel('speed [m/s]')
ax1.set_title('ego speed distribution');
ax2.hist(ego_angular_speed.flatten(), bins=30, density=True);
ax2.set_xlabel('angular speed [rad/s]')
ax2.set_title('ego angular speed distribution');
[ ]: