Uniform speeds

Uniform speeds#

import warnings

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']


We look at a periodic crossing scenario where all agents share the same target speed, configured in the parameter optimal_speed in the YAML below.

from navground import sim

scenario = sim.load_scenario("""
type: CrossTorus
agent_margin: 0.1
side: 2
    type: thymio
    number: 10
    radius: 0.1
    control_period: 0.1
    speed_tolerance: 0.02
    color: [red, green, blue, yellow]
      type: 2WDiff
      wheel_axis: 0.094
      max_speed: 0.12
      type: HL
      horizon: 5.0
      tau: 0.25
      eta: 0.5
      safety_margin: 0.1
      barrier_angle: 1.0
      optimal_speed: 0.12
      type: Bounded
      range: 1.0

In the video below, HL agents navigate in this scenario: they are colored by the direction they are aiming to.

from navground.sim.ui.video import display_video_from_run, display_video

world = sim.World()
display_video(world, time_step=0.1, duration=120.0, relative_margin=0, factor=5, display_width=400)


Contrary to the Cross scenario used in the Crossing tutorials, in this scenario the agents have no target point, just target direction. Therefore we don’t include the target distance in the observations.

from navground.learning import ControlActionConfig, DefaultObservationConfig
from navground.learning.parallel_env import shared_parallel_env, make_vec_from_penv
from navground.learning.rewards import SocialReward
from navground.learning import io

sensor = sim.load_state_estimation("""
type: Discs
number: 5
range: 1.0
max_speed: 0.12
max_radius: 0

reward = SocialReward(safety_margin=0.1)
action_config = ControlActionConfig(max_acceleration=1.0, max_angular_acceleration=10.0,
observation_config = DefaultObservationConfig(include_target_direction=True, include_velocity=True,
                                              include_angular_speed=True, flat=True)
penv = shared_parallel_env(scenario=scenario, sensor=sensor, action=action_config,
                           observation=observation_config, reward=reward,
                           time_step=0.1, max_duration=120)
venv = make_vec_from_penv(penv)
io.save_env(penv, "same_speed_env.yaml")
from navground.learning.evaluation import evaluate_policy

mean = {}
stddev = {}

mean['HL'], stddev['HL'] = evaluate_policy(penv.get_policy(0), venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
print(f"HL reward: {mean['HL'] / 1200: .3f} ± {stddev['HL'] / 1200: .3f}")
HL reward: -0.078 ±  0.040


from stable_baselines3 import SAC
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecMonitor
from stable_baselines3.common.logger import configure
from datetime import datetime as dt

stamp = dt.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
train_venv = VecMonitor(venv)
sac = SAC("MlpPolicy", train_venv, policy_kwargs={'net_arch': [128, 128]})
sac.set_logger(configure(f'logs/SameSpeed/SAC/{stamp}', ["tensorboard", "csv"]))
sac.learn(total_timesteps=1_000_000, progress_bar=True, log_interval=25, reset_num_timesteps=False)
<stable_baselines3.sac.sac.SAC at 0x1336b32f0>

The policy is learn in about 700K steps (i.e., 1h of simulated time).

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(f'{sac.logger.get_dir()}/progress.csv')
df.rolling(window=10).mean().plot(x='time/total_timesteps', y='rollout/ep_rew_mean', figsize=(8, 3));

As usual, we check how well the trained policy performs. First with a video

from navground.learning.evaluation import make_experiment_with_env

exp = make_experiment_with_env(penv, policy=sac.policy)
exp.record_config.pose = True
exp.number_of_runs = 1
exp.steps = 1200
display_video_from_run(exp.runs[0], factor=5, relative_margin=0, display_width=400)

and then by evaluating it to collect the episode rewards

mean['SAC'], stddev['SAC'] = evaluate_policy(sac.policy, venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
print(f"SAC reward: {mean['SAC'] / 1200: .3f} ± {stddev['SAC'] / 1200: .3f}")
SAC reward: -0.135 ±  0.045
pd.set_option("display.precision", 3)
rewards = pd.DataFrame({"mean": mean, "std dev": stddev})
rewards.index = rewards.index.set_names(['algorithm'])
rewards /= 1200
mean std dev
HL -0.056 0.023
SAC -0.136 0.034

We also plot the average episode distribution for the two navigation algorithms.

import numpy as np

exp = make_experiment_with_env(penv, policy=sac.policy)
exp.number_of_runs = 30
rewards = np.asarray([run.get_record("reward") for run in exp.runs.values()])
sac_rewards = np.mean(rewards, axis=1)
exp = make_experiment_with_env(penv)
exp.number_of_runs = 30
rewards = np.asarray([run.get_record("reward") for run in exp.runs.values()])
hl_rewards = np.mean(rewards, axis=1)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
bins = np.linspace(-0.5, 0, 30)
plt.hist(sac_rewards.flatten(), bins=bins, density=True, label="SAC", alpha=0.5);
plt.hist(hl_rewards.flatten(), bins=bins, density=True, label="HL", alpha=0.5);
plt.xlabel('average reward')
plt.title('Same target speed: episode rewards distribution')

In summary, we have successfully trained a RL policy to navigate in this scenario. Its performance is lower than HL but the behavior of the agents is similarly smooth and predictable.

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