Training agents among peers#

In the previous notebooks, we trained one agent to move among 19 other agents controlled by the fixed, well-performing, HL policy.

In this notebook, we keep the same scenario but change environenment and task: all the 20 agents learn to navigate among peers. This change does impact the two IL algorithms we are using differently:

  • it does not impact BC at all: the expert(s) are still HL agents navigating among HL agents

  • it does impact DAgger: in some of the samples, the neighbors will be controlled by the policy, while in the single-agent environment, the neighbors where always following HL.

For RL algorithms, this change means instead that no agents will not use the behavior (HL) specified in the scenario, which we could therefore leave unspecified.


Let is start by loading the Gymnasium environment from the previous notebooks, where we control a sigle agent.

import warnings
from navground.learning import io

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']

env = io.load_env('env.yaml')
expert = env.unwrapped.policy

Altough we don’t use it direcly in this notebook, it stores configuration (scenario, sensor, actions, observations, time step, duration and reward) that we want to resuse for the multi-agent environment, which is what the helper function make_shared_parallel_env_with_env does.

from navground.learning.parallel_env import make_shared_parallel_env_with_env

penv = make_shared_parallel_env_with_env(env=env)
io.save_env(penv, 'parallel_env.yaml')
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

In the Parallel PettingZoo environment penv observations, actions and rewards of all 20 agents are exposed.

The ML algorithms we are using do not support PettingZoo environments directly. Instead they are designed for Gymnasium environment, or, more precisely, for the type of vectorized enviroments defined by [StableBaseline3 API](

As explained in the introduction, we can see a single parallel enviromenent with multiple agent as a stack of multiple environments with a single agents. Functions like make_vec_from_penv creates a view of the parallel environment as a vectorized environment.

from navground.learning.parallel_env import make_vec_from_penv

venv = make_vec_from_penv(penv)
venv.num_envs, venv.action_space
(20, Box(-1.0, 1.0, (2,), float32))

Observations, actions and rewards that in the parallel environment are dictionaries indexed by integer keys, becomes arrays, like

{1: value_1, 2: value_2, ...} -> [value_1, value_2, ...]

venv is just a view: all the “action” happens in penv.

Pre-trained SA policies#

In the previous notebook, we have already computed the performance of the policies trained in env, but we have skipped the case with 20 policy agents and no HL agent.

from navground.learning.evaluation import evaluate_policy

mean = {}
stddev = {}
mean['HL'], stddev['HL']  = evaluate_policy(expert, venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
from navground.learning import onnx
from import BC, DAgger
from stable_baselines3 import SAC

for cls in (BC, DAgger, SAC):
    name = cls.__name__
    model = cls.load(f'{name}/model')
    mean[name], stddev[name] = evaluate_policy(model.policy, venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
import pandas as pd

pd.set_option("display.precision", 3)
rewards = pd.DataFrame({"mean": mean, "std dev": stddev})
rewards.index = rewards.index.set_names(['algorithm'])
rewards / 600
mean std dev
HL -0.225 0.041
BC -0.936 0.228
DAgger -0.641 0.166
SAC -0.614 0.190

We can use them as baseline for the policies we are going to train.


Uncomment the next cells (if you have installed tensorboard) to visualize the logs during training.

# %load_ext tensorboard
# %tensorboard --logdir logs

We record the current time stamp to avoid overwriting the logs

from datetime import datetime as dt

stamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")

Behavior Cloning#

As we noted above, we do not expect statistical significant differences when training with Behavior Cloning in penv compared to env. Nonetheless, we train a P-BC policy (P stands for parallel) and check its performance.

For all algorithms, we keep the same neural network model with two layers of 256 neurons each, like done for the policies trained in env.

from import BC, make_vec_from_penv, setup_tqdm
from imitation.util import logger


test_venv = make_vec_from_penv(penv, num_envs=1)
training_venv = make_vec_from_penv(penv, num_envs=1)
bc = BC(training_venv, expert=expert, policy_kwargs=dict(net_arch=[256, 256]),
        bc_kwargs={'l2_weight': 1e-6, 'ent_weight': 1e-2, 'batch_size': 128})
bc.logger = logger.configure(f"logs/P-BC/{stamp}", ['tensorboard', 'csv'])

Let us train the policy for a while.

import time

start = time.time()
print(f'Collecting runs took {time.time() - start: .0f} seconds')
start = time.time()
print(f'Training took {time.time() - start: .0f} seconds')"P-BC/model")
Collecting runs took  65 seconds
Training took  48 seconds

Collecting the runs is now faster, as it requires less navground simulations (1 multi-agent run is equivalent to 20 single-agent runs).

In the plot, we add lines for the BC baseline (dashed) and for HL (dotted).

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_csv(f'{bc.logger.get_dir()}/progress.csv')
df.plot(y='rollout/return_mean', x='bc/samples_so_far', figsize=(8, 3), marker=".");
plt.hlines(mean['BC'], 0, df['bc/samples_so_far'].max(), linestyle='--')
plt.hlines(mean['HL'], 0, df['bc/samples_so_far'].max(), linestyle=':', color='k');
mean['P-BC'], stddev['P-BC'] = evaluate_policy(bc.policy, test_venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
print(f"P-BC: {mean['P-BC'] / 600: .2f} ± {stddev['P-BC'] / 600: .2f}")
P-BC: -1.01 ±  0.25

with a performance that is comparable to the original BC policy trained in env and not better than a random policy.


from import DAgger

bc_kwargs = {'l2_weight': 1e-6, 'ent_weight': 1e-2, 'batch_size': 128}
dagger = DAgger(training_venv, expert=expert,
                policy_kwargs=dict(net_arch=[256, 256]),
dagger.logger = logger.configure(f"logs/P-DAgger/{stamp}", ['tensorboard', 'csv'])
import time

start = time.time()
        'log_rollouts_venv': test_venv,
        'log_rollouts_n_episodes': 10,
        'log_interval': 1000,
        'n_epochs': 1,
        'progress_bar': False,
print(f'Training took {time.time() - start: .0f} seconds')"P-DAgger/")
Training took  663 seconds

About 400K steps are enough to learn the policy, i.e., more sample than the original DAgger trained in env. Yet, when comparing steps done by single agents training in penv requires about half (20K) of the steps of env (40K). In the plot, we add lines for the DAgger baseline (dashed) and for HL (dotted).

df = pd.read_csv(f'{dagger.logger.get_dir()}/progress.csv')
df = df.dropna()
df.plot(y='rollout/return_mean', x='dagger/total_timesteps', figsize=(8, 3), marker=".");
plt.hlines(mean['DAgger'], 0, df['dagger/total_timesteps'].max(), linestyle='--')
plt.hlines(mean['HL'], 0, df['dagger/total_timesteps'].max(), linestyle=':', color='k')
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x372f5d4c0>
mean['P-DAgger'], stddev['P-DAgger'] = evaluate_policy(dagger.policy, test_venv, n_eval_episodes=200)
print(f"P-DAgger: {mean['P-DAgger'] / 600: .2f} ± {stddev['P-DAgger'] / 600: .2f}")
P-DAgger: -0.42 ±  0.10

The performance of P-DAgger is significantly better than DAgger, altough it does not reach HL.


from stable_baselines3 import SAC
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecMonitor
from navground.learning.parallel_env import make_vec_from_penv
from stable_baselines3.common.logger import configure

training_venv = VecMonitor(make_vec_from_penv(penv))
sac = SAC("MlpPolicy", training_venv, verbose=0, policy_kwargs=dict(net_arch=[256, 256]))
sac.set_logger(configure(f'logs/P-SAC/{stamp}', ["csv", "tensorboard"]))
start = time.time()
sac.learn(total_timesteps=750_000, progress_bar=True, tb_log_name="SAC",
print(f'Training took {time.time() - start: .0f} seconds')"P-SAC/")
Training took  227 seconds

Training in penv requires significanlty more steps than in env but takes a much shorter time. A similar number of steps per agent are required (about 30K).

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_csv(f'{sac.logger.get_dir()}/progress.csv')
df.plot(y='rollout/ep_rew_mean', x='time/total_timesteps', figsize=(8, 3), marker=".");
plt.hlines(mean['SAC'], 0, df['time/total_timesteps'].max(), linestyle='--')
plt.hlines(mean['HL'], 0, df['time/total_timesteps'].max(), linestyle=':', color='k')
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x37a6eb290>
mean['P-SAC'], stddev['P-SAC'] = evaluate_policy(sac.policy, test_venv, n_eval_episodes=100)
print(f"P-SAC: {mean['P-SAC'] / 600: .2f} ± {stddev['P-SAC'] / 600: .2f}")
P-SAC: -0.28 ±  0.06

The performance of P-SAC is much better than SAC and almost reaches HL (-0.22), altough it remains higher than the perfomance of a single SAC agent among 19 HL agents (-0.16) as now the policy agents must take full responsibility for avoiding a collision, and can not optimize their rewards at the expense of other agents.


We successfully trained three policies with three different algorithms in the parallel multi-agent environment. As expected, this brings no no difference for BC. Instead, for DAgger and SAC, it leads to significalty better performances, that are almost comparable to the original HL behavior.

rewards = pd.DataFrame({"mean": mean, "std dev": stddev})
rewards.index = rewards.index.set_names(['algorithm'])
rewards /= 600
mean std dev
HL -0.225 0.041
BC -0.936 0.228
DAgger -0.641 0.166
SAC -0.614 0.190
P-BC -1.007 0.246
P-DAgger -0.415 0.101
P-SAC -0.281 0.064

It the plot below, we rescale the reward to that 1 is the theoretical upper-bound and 0 is the reward of random.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

(1 + rewards['mean']), 2));
plt.ylim(0, 1);

The next notebook, we complete the serie by analysing the performance of the policies trained in the parallel environment when applied in a mixed group where some of the agents follows HL, like we have already done for the policies trained in the original single-agent environment.

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