Empty environment#

In this notebook, we showcase the whole pipeline of

  1. defining the navground scenario

  2. creating the Gymnasium enviroment

  3. training a policy

  4. evaluating in the policy

  5. saving the policy

  6. using the policy in navground

in a very simple navigation task where a single agent has to move towards a target direction in an empty space, which therefore require no additional sensing information.

Steps 1 and 6 play in navground, while steps 2–5 in Gymnasium.

import warnings

Defining a scenario#

from navground import sim

duration = 2.0
time_step = 0.1
scenario = sim.load_scenario("""
  min_x: -1
  max_x: 3
  min_y: -1
  max_y: 1
    type: thymio
    number: 1
    radius: 0.5
    control_period: 0.1
    color: blue
      type: 2WDiff
      wheel_axis: 1
      max_speed: 1
      type: Dummy
      type: Direction
      direction: [1, 0]
      sampler: uniform
      from: 0
      to: 6.28

In this scenario, the robot starts at a random orientation and then move rightwards. As there are no obstacles to avoid, the dummy behavior performs just fine.

from navground.sim.ui.video import display_video

world = scenario.make_world(seed=0)
display_video(world, time_step=time_step, duration=duration, display_width=300)

Creating an enviroment#

import gymnasium as gym
from navground.learning import ControlActionConfig, DefaultObservationConfig
from navground.learning.rewards import EfficacyReward
import navground.learning.env

env = gym.make('navground',
    observation=DefaultObservationConfig(flat=True, include_target_direction=True),

The enviroment is configured to use velocity actions (linear and angular components) normalized in [-1, 1]

Box(-1.0, 1.0, (2,), float32)

and observations which just contains the relative target direction (as unit vector)

Box(-1.0, 1.0, (2,), float32)

Training policies#

Imitation Learning#

We train a policy using Behavior Cloning, imitating the dummy (expert) behavior

from navground.learning.il import BC, setup_tqdm


bc = BC(env=env, policy_kwargs={'net_arch': [8, 8]})
bc.learn(n_epochs=8, progress_bar=True)

Reinforcement Learning#

We train a policy using SAC for 20000 steps, which is the same as 1000 runs.

from stable_baselines3 import SAC

sac = SAC("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=0, policy_kwargs={'net_arch': [8, 8]})
sac.learn(total_timesteps=20_000, progress_bar=True)

Evaluating the policies#

The maximal efficacy is 1, therefore the maximal cumulated reward is duration / time_step * 1

# Equivalent to
# from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy

# but supports model using the info dict for prediction
from navground.learning.evaluation import evaluate_policy

# we could also run
# from navground.learning.evaluation import evaluate
# expert_reward_mean, expert_reward_std_dev = evaluate(env, n_eval_episodes=1_000)

max_reward = duration / time_step
expert_reward_mean, expert_reward_std_dev = evaluate_policy(env.unwrapped.policy, env, n_eval_episodes=1_000)
expert_reward_mean  /= max_reward
expert_reward_std_dev /= max_reward
print(f"Dummy:\treward = {expert_reward_mean:.1%} ± {expert_reward_std_dev:.1%}")
Dummy:  reward = 54.9% ± 25.9%

The policies perform similarly to the expert

from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env

# uses random seed
test_env = make_vec_env('navground', env_kwargs=env.spec.kwargs)

for model in (bc, sac):
    reward_mean, reward_std_dev = evaluate_policy(model.policy, test_env, n_eval_episodes=1_000)
    reward_mean  /= max_reward
    reward_std_dev /= max_reward
    name = model.__class__.__name__
    print(f"{name}:\treward = {reward_mean:.1%} ± {reward_std_dev:.1%}")
BC:     reward = 60.3% ± 22.9%
SAC:    reward = 57.5% ± 23.6%

Let’s also check which mapping between target direction and velocity commands has been learned. Let’s start by computing the expert’s mapping:

from navground import core
import numpy as np

world = scenario.make_world()
behavior = world.agents[0].behavior
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 360)
dirs = np.array([core.unit(a) for a in angles])
expert_cmds = []
for angle in angles:
    behavior.orientation = -angle
    cmd = behavior.compute_cmd(0.1)
    expert_cmds.append([cmd.velocity[0], cmd.angular_speed])
expert_cmds = np.asarray(expert_cmds)

Then we can evaluate the policies

def get_cmds(model):
    cmds, _ = model.policy.predict(dirs)
    cmds[:, 0] *= behavior.max_speed
    cmds[:, 1] *= behavior.max_angular_speed
    return cmds

bc_cmds = get_cmds(bc)
sac_cmds = get_cmds(sac)

and compare them

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 4))

for i, (ax, name) in enumerate(zip(axs, ('Linear', 'Angular'))):
    ax.plot(angles, expert_cmds[:, i], label="Expert")
    ax.plot(angles, bc_cmds[:, i], label="BC")
    ax.plot(angles, sac_cmds[:, i], label="SAC", alpha=0.75)
    ax.set_xlabel("relative target orientation")
    ax.set_title(f'{name} speed')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13eb875c0>

We note that the SAC outputs very noisy linear speeds. This happens because the commands outputted by the policy, before being actuated, are filtered by the kinematics of the agents, which return the nearest feasible command. In this case, for large enough angular speeds, the kinematics nullifies the linear components to respect the constrains due to the limited wheel speeds. Basically, in this case, it would be enough to learn to control angular speed, and keep linear speed maximal.

After we compute feasible commands

kinematics = world.agents[0].kinematics

def get_feasible_cmds(model):
    cmds, _ = model.policy.predict(dirs)
    twists = [kinematics.feasible(core.Twist2((cmd[0] * behavior.max_speed, 0), cmd[1] * behavior.max_angular_speed)) for cmd in cmds]
    return np.asarray([[twist.velocity[0], twist.angular_speed] for twist in twists])

bc_feasible_cmds = get_feasible_cmds(bc)
sac_feasible_cmds = get_feasible_cmds(sac)

the plots are more interpretable, altough the SAC policy remains more noisy

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15, 4))

for i, (ax, name) in enumerate(zip(axs, ('Linear', 'Angular'))):
    ax.plot(angles, expert_cmds[:, i], label="Expert")
    ax.plot(angles, bc_feasible_cmds[:, i], label="BC")
    ax.plot(angles, sac_feasible_cmds[:, i], label="SAC", alpha=0.75)
    ax.set_xlabel("relative target orientation")
    ax.set_title(f'{name} speed')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x13f0d2b70>

Exporting the trained policy#

We have already saved the trained models, which we can later reload with

from navground_learning.il import BC
from stable_baselines3 import SAC

bc = BC.load("BC.zip")
sac = SAC.load("SAC.zip")

We now export to onnx, along with YAML files describing the behavior and sensor (if any) to use them.

from navground.learning import io

for model in (bc, sac):
    name = model.__class__.__name__
    io.export_policy_as_behavior(path=name, env=env, policy=model.policy)
ls BC
behavior.yaml  model.zip      policy.onnx

Using the policies in navground#

For inference, we can either use the trained PyTorch policy direcly or load the onnx version

from navground.learning import onnx

policy = onnx.OnnxPolicy("SAC/policy.onnx")

They produce the same outputs

obs = env.observation_space.sample()

policy.predict(obs), bc.policy.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
((array([0.88362646, 0.08671234], dtype=float32), None),
 (array([0.4916103 , 0.51834273], dtype=float32), None))

but the onnx version does it faster


5.81 μs ± 64.3 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

bc.policy.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
60.9 μs ± 79.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)

To use them in navground, we assign a PolicyBehavior to the agent

from navground.learning.behaviors import PolicyBehavior

world = scenario.make_world(seed=0)
world.agents[0].behavior = PolicyBehavior(
world.agents[0].color = 'orange'

display_video(world, time_step=time_step, duration= 2 * duration, display_width=300)
world = scenario.make_world(seed=0)
world.agents[0].behavior = PolicyBehavior(
world.agents[0].color = 'green'

display_video(world, time_step=time_step, duration= 2 * duration, display_width=300)

As usual in navground, we may prefer to confugure the scenario from YAML, like for the following experiment, where we alternate runs with one agent controlled by Dummy, one by the policy learned by BC and one by the policy learned by SAC.

experiment = sim.load_experiment("""
steps: 20
time_step: 0.1
record_efficacy: true
runs: 3000
    min_x: -1
    max_x: 5
    min_y: -1
    max_y: 1
      type: thymio
        sampler: sequence
        values: [1, 0, 0]
        once: true
      radius: 0.5
      control_period: 0.1
      color: blue
        type: 2WDiff
        wheel_axis: 1
        max_speed: 1
      color: blue
        type: Dummy
        type: Direction
        direction: [1, 0]
        sampler: uniform
        from: 0
        to: 6.28
      type: thymio
        sampler: sequence
        values: [0, 1, 0]
        once: true
      radius: 0.5
      control_period: 0.1
      color: blue
        type: 2WDiff
        wheel_axis: 1
        max_speed: 1
      color: blue
        type: Policy
        policy_path: BC/policy.onnx
        include_target_direction: true
        flat: true
        type: Direction
        direction: [1, 0]
        sampler: uniform
        from: 0
        to: 6.28
      type: thymio
        sampler: sequence
        values: [0, 0, 1]
        once: true
      radius: 0.5
      control_period: 0.1
      color: blue
        type: 2WDiff
        wheel_axis: 1
        max_speed: 1
      color: blue
        type: Policy
        policy_path: SAC/policy.onnx
        include_target_direction: true
        flat: true
        type: Direction
        direction: [1, 0]
        sampler: uniform
        from: 0
        to: 6.28

datetime.timedelta(seconds=2, microseconds=104335)
efficacy = np.stack([run.efficacy for run in experiment.runs.values()], axis=0)

expert_efficacy = efficacy[::3]
bc_efficacy = efficacy[1::3]
sac_efficacy = efficacy[2::3]
print(f"Expert: efficacy = {expert_efficacy.mean():.1%} ± {expert_efficacy.std():.1%}")
print(f"BC: efficacy = {bc_efficacy.mean():.1%} ± {bc_efficacy.std():.1%}")
print(f"SAC: efficacy = {sac_efficacy.mean():.1%} ± {sac_efficacy.std():.1%}")
Expert: efficacy = 56.1% ± 39.5%
BC: efficacy = 54.9% ± 39.4%
SAC: efficacy = 54.3% ± 37.4%

which, as expected, are similar to the values sampled earlier in using evalute_policy , yet now computed inside of navground.