

We do our best to expose coherent C++ and Python interfaces. Yet, the languages have some peculiarities that may present some pitfalls, one of which are accessors to mutable fields.


Given a C++ class A with two private attributes (one mutable, one immutable) and public accessors to them

#include <string>

class MutableInt {
  MutableInt(int value) : _value(value) {}
  void set(int value) {_value = value};
  int get() const {return _value};
  std::string repr() const {
    return "MutableInt(" + std::to_string(_value) +  ")";
  int _value;

class A {
  A() : _i(0), _mi(0) {}
  // returns a copy;
  int get_i() const { return _i; }
  void set_i(int value) { _i = value; }
  // returns a copy;
  MutableInt get_mi() const { return _mi; }
  // returns a reference;
  MutableInt & get_mi_ref() { return _mi; }
  void set_mi(const MutableInt & value) { _mi = value; }

  // immutable type;
  int _i;
  // mutable type;
  MutableInt _mi;

A a;

there are two ways to modify the attributes:

  1. setting new values

  2. call a modifier on the mutable attribute,


    provided that the class does expose an accessors that returns a reference.

Note that accessors that returns a reference have the further effect to track changes:

auto mi = a.get_mi();
auto & mi_ref = a.get_mi_ref();

now mi_ref is equal to Mutable(3), while mi is still equal to Mutable(2) as it has been copied.


When these accessors are exposed as Python properties (or as Python methods), e.g. through

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <string>

namespace py = pybind11;

PYBIND11_MODULE(my_module, m) {
  py::class_<MutableInt>(m, "MutableInt")
     .def("set", &MutableInt::get)
     .def("get", &MutableInt::set)
     .def("__repr__", &MutableInt::repr);
  py::class_<A>(m, "A")
     .def_property("i", &A::get_i, &A::set_i)
     .def_property("mi", &A::get_mi, &A::set_mi)
     .def_property("mi_ref", &A::get_mi_ref, nullptr);

some methods do not modify A as a Python user may instead expect (see below)

from my_module import A, MutableInt

a = A(1)
  • do modify a:

    >>> a.i = 2
    >>> a.mi = MutableInt(2)
    >>> a.i, a.mi
    2, MutableInt(2)
    >>> a.mi_ref.set(3)
    >>> a.mi
  • does not modify a as a.mi returns a copy:

    >>> a.mi.set(4)
    >>> a.mi


The equivalent Python class, implemented like

class PyA:

    def __init__(self):
        self.i = 0
        self.mi = MutableInt(0)

py_a = PyA()

uses references to holds/pass objects, copying only if asked explicitly, for instances using a property like

def mi_copy(self):
    return MutableInt(self.mi.get())

Therefore both methods to modify the (mutable) attribute are available:

  1. setting a value

    >>> py_a.i = 2
    >>> py_a.mi = MutableInt(2)
    >>> i, py_a.mi
    2, MutableInt(2)
  2. modifying the existing value

    >>> py_a.mi.set(3)

This difference may confuse users, as they may consider the classes A and PyA to be equivalent, as they expose the same interface (ignoring A.mi_ref).

py_a = PyA()
# this has an effect
a = A()
# while this does not

Note that this difference does not apply to immutable attributes.