Registered components#
The YAML representation of components with a register, i.e., Behavior, Behavior Modulation, and Kinematics, are objects with a field type
that corresponds to the name associated to the registered property:
$id: http://navground/<component>
type: object
# properties of the base class
type: string
# specific registered sub-classes
$ref: /schemas/<component>_register
unevaluatedProperties: false
Loading will fail if no registered sub-class matches the specified type.
Moreover, registered sub-classes included with $ref: <componet>_register
contain all their (navground) properties.
$id: http://navground/<component>_register
# list of registered sub-classes
- properties:
const: <type>
type: ...
default: ...
- ...
When loading an object from YAML, specifying its properties is optional: when non provided, they are set to default
. When loading properties from YAML, their types should be compatible. For instance, loading a list of floats from a YAML bool will fails.
This applies as well to user defined sub-classes: any property the expose it automatically available to YAML too and be included in the schema.
The navground::core::HLBehavior
has properties — tau
(float), eta
(float), aperture
(float), resolution
(int) — that can be read from the YAML. Loading the following YAML
type: HL
tau: 0.25
aperture: 1.0
# this would fail, as types float for the property and
# sequence of numbers for YAML are not compatible
# eta: [1.0]
sets tau=0.25
and aperture=1.0