We provide installation instruction for macOS, Linux, and Windows.
You can also try navground on binder without installing anything.
Building navground from source let you customize and install everything you need, but there are also pre-built Python wheels that may be more suitable in some cases. The different ways to install/run navground, cover the following cases:
to extend (and run) navground:
only from Python: install a pre-built wheel using pip
also from C++: build from source
to only run navground (e.g., to perform experiments in simulation): install a pre-built wheel using pip
to run navground in ROS 2: build from source
to use docker: build or pull one of the docker images
Except when building against a binary installation of ROS 2, we suggest installing navground in a Python virtual environment. In this case, start by creating and activating the virtual environment.
python3 -m venv <path_to_the_venv> . <path_to_the_venv>/bin/activatepython -m venv <path_to_the_venv> <path_to_the_venv>\bin\activate.bat