Two-wheeled differential drive with limited torque#
A more complex version of Two-wheeled differential drive whose wheels have motors with limited torque. Use this kinematics to avoid that agents motors actuate accelerations that would requires an excessive torque.
This kinematics adds coupled constrains on linear and angular acceleration to the velocity constrains.
See also
Read Two-wheeled kinematics to know more about how feasible velocities are computed.
The video has been recorded using
$ navground_py record_video 2wdiffdyn.yaml 2wdiffdyn.mp4 --factor 1 --grid 1 --area -3 -1 3 1
with the following configuration
steps: 300
time_step: 0.0333
- type: wheelchair
color: darkcyan
number: 1
radius: 0.25
control_period: 0.1
type: 2WDiffDyn
max_speed: 1
max_angular_speed: 3.14
moi: 1.0
max_acceleration: 1.0
wheel_axis: 0.5
type: Dummy
type: Waypoints
waypoints: [[2, 0], [-2, 0]]
loop: true
tolerance: 0.5