First Steps


First Steps#

You have installed navground, congratulations! Let us now check that it is working properly.

If you built navground from source, you need to source the workspace.

$ . install/setup.zsh

Call a similar command if you installed a binary release from Github:

$ . /opt/install/setup.zsh

Once configured, run navground_py, which is installed for any type of installations.

$ navground_py

You should get a welcome message with few sub-commands to run.

$ navground_py
Welcome to navground!

usage: navground_py [-h] {info,run,...} ...

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit

    info          Lists registered components.
    echo          Load an object from YAML and print its YAML representation.
    schema        Prints the YAML schema
    validate      Validate YAML.
    plugins       Load and list plugins.
    run           Runs an experiment using the Python interpreter
    run_rt        Runs an experiment using the Python interpreter in real-
    sample        Samples a world from a scenario.
    record_video  Make video from an experiment using the Python interpreter.
    replay        Replay an experiment in real-time.

Navground has a modular architecture that users can extend by implementing new behaviors, kinematics, modulations, state estimation, tasks, and scenarios. At installation, navground provides several of these components to play with: calling info will list them.

$ navground_py info
Installed components
Dummy, HL, HRVO, ORCA, PyDummy, SocialForce

2WDiff, 2WDiffDyn, 4WOmni, Ahead, Omni

LimitAcceleration, LimitTwist, MotorPID, Relaxation

State Estimations
Boundary, Bounded, Combination, Discs, Lidar, Odometry, pyLidar

Direction, Waypoints, Path

Antipodal, Corridor, Cross, CrossTorus, Simple

Next steps#

From here on, you may

want to get familiar with the command line interface

read Command Line Interface

want to go through some tutorials

start with A tour of navground

want to have a look at some examples

find them at navground_examples, navground_examples_py, and navground_demos

want get familiar with the installed packages and their commands

go to Packages

want to discover which components are installed

have a look at Components

want to get guided through extending navground with new components

have a look at How to extend navground

want to check out the programming interfaces

have a look at Reference