We recommend to use colcon and ament during development. They are not required, but will simplify some of the recurrent tasks, like compiling packages in the right order of dependency.
If you have build navground in a colcon workspace, there is not much to do: just create your new packages in the src directory. You may also use a different colcon workspace. In this case, source the original workspace to create an overlay.
If you have installed navground from a binary release, just source the installation directory (e.g., `` source /opt/navground/setup.bash`` in Linux) before building the with colcon:
install colcon
$ python-mpipinstallcolcon-common-extensions
create a source directory
$ mkdir-pws/src
$ mkdirws\src
source the navground environment
$ source/opt/navground/setup.zsh
$ source/opt/navground/setup.bash
$ "C:\Program Files\navground\setup.bat"
build the workspace
$ cdws
$ colconbuild--merge-install
If you build navground C++ plugins but don’t have ament_cmake installed, export NAVGROUND_PLUGINS_PREFIX
If you have installed navground from a PyPi wheel, you are restricted to develop Python plugins. In this case, there is not much you need do except sourcing the virtual environment, if you are using one.