Limit Twist#

#include "navground/core/behavior_modulations/limit_twist.h"
class LimitTwistModulation : public navground::core::BehaviorModulation#

A simple modulation that clips the twist command.

Registered properties:

Public Functions

inline explicit LimitTwistModulation(ng_float_t forward = std::numeric_limits<ng_float_t>::infinity(), ng_float_t backward = std::numeric_limits<ng_float_t>::infinity(), ng_float_t leftward = std::numeric_limits<ng_float_t>::infinity(), ng_float_t rightward = std::numeric_limits<ng_float_t>::infinity(), ng_float_t angular = std::numeric_limits<ng_float_t>::infinity())#

Construct a new instance.

  • forward[in] The maximal forward speed

  • backward[in] The maximal backward speed

  • leftward[in] The maximal leftward speed

  • rightward[in] The maximal rightward speed

  • angular[in] The maximal angular speed

inline ng_float_t get_max_forward_speed() const#

Gets the maximal forward speed.


A positive number

inline void set_max_forward_speed(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the maximal forward speed.


value[in] If lower than zero or infinite, clipping is effectively disabled.

inline ng_float_t get_max_backward_speed() const#

Gets the maximal backward speed.


A positive number

inline void set_max_backward_speed(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the maximal backward speed.


value[in] If lower than zero or infinite, clipping is effectively disabled.

inline ng_float_t get_max_leftward_speed() const#

Gets the maximal leftward speed.


A positive number

inline void set_max_leftward_speed(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the maximal leftward speed.


value[in] If lower than zero or infinite, clipping is effectively disabled.

inline ng_float_t get_max_rightward_speed() const#

Gets the maximal rightward speed.


A positive number

inline void set_max_rightward_speed(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the maximal rightward speed.


value[in] If lower than zero or infinite, clipping is effectively disabled.

inline ng_float_t get_max_angular_speed() const#

Gets the maximal angular speed.


A positive number

inline void set_max_angular_speed(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the maximal angular speed.


value[in] If lower than zero or infinite, clipping is effectively disabled.