
#include "navground/core/behaviors/dummy.h"

A behavior that ignores collisions

class DummyBehavior : public navground::core::Behavior#

Dummy behavior that ignores obstacles.

Mainly useful to test the interaction with other components.

Can be assigned an arbitrary environment state, using set_environment_state, and/or the property “environment”

Registered properties: environment (string, get_environment_state_type),

State: any

Public Functions

inline explicit DummyBehavior(std::shared_ptr<Kinematics> kinematics = nullptr, ng_float_t radius = 0)#

Construct a new instance.

  • kinematics[in] The kinematics

  • radius[in] The radius

inline void set_environment_state(const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentState> &state)#

Sets the environment state.


state[in] The state

std::string get_environment_state_type() const#

Gets the environment state type.

  • “Geometric” for GeometriState,

  • ”Sensing” for SensingState,

  • ”” for an null state.


The environment state type.

void set_environment_state_type(const std::string &value)#

Sets the environment state type.

  • “Geometric” for GeometriState,

  • ”Sensing” for SensingState,

  • anything else for an null state.


value[in] The value