
#include "navground/sim/scenarios/corridor.h"
struct CorridorScenario : public navground::sim::Scenario#

A scenario where agents travel along an infinite corridor in opposite directions. Agents are initialize at non-overlapping random poses.

Registered properties:

Public Functions

inline ng_float_t get_width() const#

Gets the width of the corridor.


The width.

inline void set_width(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the width of the corridor.


value[in] The desired width (positive)

inline ng_float_t get_length() const#

Gets the length of the simulated portion of corridor. Agents experience an infinite corridor, as it wraps around.


The length.

inline void set_length(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the length of the simulated portion of corridor. Agents experience an infinite corridor, as it wraps around.


value[in] The desired length (positive).

inline ng_float_t get_agent_margin() const#

Gets the initial minimal distance between agents.


The initial minimal distance between agents .

inline void set_agent_margin(ng_float_t value)#

Sets the initial minimal distance between agents.


value[in] The desired margin (positive)

inline bool get_add_safety_to_agent_margin() const#

Whenever the agent’s safety margin should be considered in addition to get_agent_margin when initializing the agents’ poses.


True if safety margin margin is added to agent margin.

inline void set_add_safety_to_agent_margin(bool value)#

Sets whenever the agent’s safety margin should be considered in addition to get_agent_margin when initializing the agents’ poses.


value[in] Whenever to consider the safety margin or not.

inline bool get_bidirectional() const#

Whenever the agents are divided into two groups moving in opposite directions.


True if the agents moves in opposite directions.

inline void set_bidirectional(bool value)#

Sets the agents are divided into two groups moving in opposite directions.


value[in] Whenever agents moves in opposite directions or not.