Real-time simulations#
- module:
Perform an experiment in real-time#
- class RealTimeSimulation#
Helper class to simulated a
in real-time using an ayncio.>>> word = ... >>> sim = RealTimeSimulation(world=world, time_step=0.1, web_ui=WebUI()) >>> await
- __init__(world: World, time_step: float, factor: float = 1.0, web_ui: WebUI | None = None, bounds: Rect | None = None)#
Constructs a new instance.
- Parameters:
world – The world to simulate
time_step – The time step to apply
factor – The real-time factor
web_ui – An optional web user interface to sync with
bounds – The region to display in the web_ui. If not set, it will estimate it from the current world state.
- async run(until: Callable[[], bool] | None = None) → None#
Simulate a world.
- Parameters:
until – an optional condition to terminate the simulation
- run_threaded(until: Callable[[], bool] | None) → None#
Run a simulation in a thread. Blocks until the simulation is done.
- Parameters:
until – an optional condition to terminate the simulation
Replay an experiment in real-time#
- class RealTimeReplay#
Helper class to replay an
in real-time.>>> # load a run from a recorded experiment >>> run = ... >>> sim = RealTimeSimulation(run=run, web_ui=WebUI()) >>> await
- __init__(run: RecordedExperimentalRun, factor: float = 1.0, web_ui: WebUI | None = None, bounds: Rect | None = None)#
Constructs a new instance.
- Parameters:
run – The recorded run
factor – The real time factor
web_ui – An optional web user interface to sync with
bounds – The region to display in the web_ui. If not set, it will compute it from the recorded poses.
The run should contain at least recorded poses, else it would be useless to replay it.