Local GridMap#
A state estimation that integrates scans and optional odometry in a local grid map.
Uses one of the simplest mapping algorithms, following the implementation of the obstacle layer in nav2 local costmap, see ros-navigation/navigation2 d/include/nav2_costmap_2d/obstacle_layer.hpp.
recenter the map at the agent, setting new cells to 128 (= unknown)
set the footprint of the agent to 255 (= free)
using raycasting, for each lidar ranging measurement, sets the internal cells of the ray to 255 (= free), and the vertex of the ray (if contained in the map) to 0 (= occupied)
Registered properties:
width (int,
)height (int,
)resolution (float,
) [meter / cell]include_transformation (bool,
)external_lidars (list[str],
)external_odometry (str,
)footprint (str,
Constructs a new instance.
- Parameters:
lidars – The lidars sensor
external_lidars – The name of lidars sensor
odometry – The odometry sensor
external_odometry – The name of odometry sensor
width – The map width in pixels
height – The map height in pixels
resolution – The size of a cell in meters
include_transformation – Whether to include the transformation between map and world frames.
footprint – Which type of footprint to use.
name – The name to use as a prefix
Reads a grid map from a
, passingname
.- Parameters:
state – The state
- Returns:
A grid map or null if none was found.
Reads a grid map from a
- Parameters:
state – The state
name – The namespace of the map
- Returns:
A grid map or null if none was found.
Reads a transformation from a
, passingname
.- Parameters:
state – The state
- Returns:
A pose or null if none was found.
Reads a transformation from a
- Parameters:
state – The state
name – The namespace of the transformation
- Returns:
A pose or null if none was found.
- Type:
The names of the (external) odometry
The footprint type
- Type:
The height of the gridmap in cells.
- Type:
Whether to include the transformation between map and world frames.
The (external) lidars
The (external) odometry
- Type:
The size of a cell.
- Type:
The width of the gridmap in cells.